“Objects” in JavaScript

Hari Karthyk
2 min readJan 27, 2021


What is an Object?

→ Any value that’s not of a primitive type (a string, a number, a boolean, a symbol, null, or undefined) is an object.

→ For Instance: Array, functions are also treated as an object by JavaScript.

Creating Object

Objects in JavaScript can be created in multiple ways

  1. Here’s how we define an object:
const User = {}

This is the object literal syntax.

2. You can also initialize an object using the new keyword. here the function acts as a constructor for that object. In this, we can initialize the value.

Read this blog to know more about this keyword in JavaScript

const User = function(name , courseCount){
this.name = name ;
this.courseCount = courseCount ;
//without using new keyword
const newUser1 = User("newUser1" , 2) ;
console.log(newUser1) ; //OUTPUT //undefined

→ This is because this is a normal function that refers to global object/window object, hence “name” and “coureCount” are not defined globally undefined.

→ To overcome this we use the new keyword to create an object, here new is used because this tells the JS engine that now the User has a separate scope that is pointing to “newUser1”.

const User = function(name , courseCount){
this.name = name ;
this.courseCount = courseCount ;
const newUser1 = new User("newUser1" , 2) ;console.log(newUser1) ;//OUTPUT //User{
// name:"newUser1",
// courseCount:2

Object Properties

→ Objects have properties, which have a label associated with a value to it

→ The value of a property can be of any type, which means that it can be an array, a function, and it can even be an object, as objects can nest other objects

For Instance,

const car = {
name : "carName" ,
model : "DummyModel" ,
showModelName : function(){
console.log(`Model Name : ${this.model}`);

here “name” is the label and “carName ”is the value, similarly, we can have the values as an object, function, array …

We can retrieve the value of a property using 2 different syntaxes

→ The first is dot notation:

car.name //"carName"

→ The Second is to use Square brackets

car['name'] //"carName"

Object Methods

Functions can be assigned to function properties, and in this case, they are called methods.

const car = {
name : "carName" ,
model : "DummyModel",
showModelName : function(){
console.log(`Model Name : ${this.model}`);

In this, we can access name and model properties value by this keyword.

Note: Arrow function can’t be used as a method inside an object this is because Arrow Function has its own scope



Hari Karthyk
Hari Karthyk

Written by Hari Karthyk

I'm a developer who enjoys working with JavaScript.

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